Real Reads

Nineteen Eighty-Four

George Orwell

Retold by Tony Evans

Illustrated by Angelo Ruta

ISBN: 978-1-911091-10-3

Lexile® Rating: 900L what is this?

ATOS®/AR Level: 5.6 what is this?


If there is no word for freedom, how can anyone be free?

Winston Smith lives in a nightmare world where the Thought Police spy on everyone and children are taught to betray their parents. Even the smallest sign of disagreement with the Party results in torture, imprisonment, or death. Big Brother oversees everything – but who is he?

Winston tries hard to keep his thoughts and fears to himself. But then he meets Julia, a strong-minded young woman who is willing to run the terrible risk of their being found together. Will kindly Mr Charrington keep their secret? Can Winston and Julia find happiness despite the dangers that threaten them?

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A young reader's review for Real Reads Nineteen Eighty-Four :

This book is emotional, puzzling, surprising and intriguing. I liked this book because you never knew what was going to happen. The book is rhetorical and it makes you think.  

The main character, Winston, thought he was safe but he found out that most of his friends were bad and had reported him to the thought police. Winston seemed to be the happiest when he was with other people like Julia and Mr Charrington. He was most worried and upset when he was alone and had time to think and reflect on his life and others.  

I think it would be horrible to live a life that you can never have any privacy and for all your thoughts and words to be traced.  

The information at the end of the book was useful. It gives a greater understanding of the history and the work George Orwell produced. 

George, 10

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